
Personal Accomplishments

Published 'The Other Woman - A Memoir in Poetry'

Eliminate Excuse Resources

A must read for any woman who has ever felt she was not enough. I offer opportunities for women to engage in conversations related to self-identity, self-care, self-worth, and the importance of releasing “who we truly are within” through the book itself and through motivational talks.


Eliminate Excuse Resources

Are any of these statements part of your excuse language? Let’s encourage each other to change that habit of excuses! When…Then Yes…But If…Then As Soon As… I Tried That…It Didn't Work

Completed first 5k

Completed my first 5k as a blind runner

Bronze Medalist in Writing for poem 'Vestiges', formerly titled 'Anachronism', in 2015 Senior Games

Listen on YouTube!

Published two children's books.

'Through Talen's Eyes: Grandma, What is Prayer?' and 'Through Talen's Eyes: A Visit to Grandma's House'.

Lost eyesight.

Completed appointment as Director even after sight loss. Retired from CMS.

Professional Achievements

Director, Department of Instructional Excellence

Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District

Published & sold 'The Facilitator’s Guide for the First-Class Teacher'.

Canter & Associates Educational Resources

Hired to conduct nation-wide trainings on effective resources for novice teachers.

English & Social Studies Teacher

Charlotte-Mecklenburg School District

English Department chair. Voted 'Teacher of the Year' at Hawthorne Traditional and Kennedy Junior High.

Educational Achievements

Master's Degree - Education

UNC Charlotte

Also attained Graduate Certification in Instructional Supervision.

College - BA in English

HBCU Bethune-Cookman College (BC-C)

Selected as Miss Freshman. Pledged Alpha Kappa Alpha. Performed with Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee in the theater productions of 'A Raisin in the Sun' and 'Member of the Wedding' at BC-C

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